4701 Doss Road, Austin, TX - 78734
(512) 920 3350

Sheikh Attia Omara

Scholar and Community builder with focus on youth

Born and raised in Egypt, Sh. Attia began his Islamic education at a very young age and in the preeminent Al-Azhar University in Cairo. There, he completed his elementary, middle and high school stages followed by a Bachelor in Islamic Studies with a specialization in Tafseer, Usul-al-Fiqh and Aqeedah. In Egypt, he also received several Ijazahs in Qiraat, hadith and Tazkiyah from renowned scholars.

Following his education in Egypt, Sh. Attia pursued further studies from distinguished institutions such as the University of Toronto (Canada) and Cambridge University (United Kingdom). There, he obtained certifications and advanced training on teaching foreign languages and Islamic Studies and developing academic curricula that are demographically and socio-culturally adaptive to the needs of local communities. In 2017, Sh. Attia obtained a Masters of Education from Texas State University with dual focus on fostering community literacy and foreign language teaching. He just completed his graduate student at UT Austin in Islamic Studies with a specialization in Quranic studies and spiritual identity.

Apart from his scholarly work, Sheikh Attia is a also avid soccer player.

Connect with Sh. Attia by emailing him at Imam dot Attia at iclaketravis dot org

Sheikh Attia keeping our youth mersmerized

Many of Sheikh Attia's sermons are available on our Facebook page. Here are few samples

Sheikh Attia is active interfaith dialog and Multi-faith Network following the footsteps of Late Mufti Umer including his trip to Uzbekistan representing faith leaders from USA

4701 Doss Road, Austin, TX -78732
(512) 920 3350

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